Research Day

Participate in our annual Research Day

Students, faculty, and staff across all disciplines at the Indiana University School of Dentistry are encouraged to participate in our annual Research Day event to highlight their research advances and accomplishments.

The 32nd annual Research Day was held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 from 12:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the IU Indianapolis Campus Center. The event featured a keynote speaker presentation, research and clinical case poster sessions, and award announcements. 

We welcomed Jane A. Weintraub, DDS, MPH as our Research Day 2024 keynote speaker. Dr. Weintraub is the Immediate Past President of the American Association for Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR). Dr. Weintraub is the first R. Gary Rozier and Chester W. Douglass Distinguished Professor in Dental Public Health, former Dean at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry, and adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Learn more about our keynote speaker

View the Research Day 2024 abstracts and proceedings

Presenter information

The abstract submission period for Research Day is now closed.

Here’s what you’ll need to know if you are planning to present your research at IU School of Dentistry Research Day.

Use these guidelines to prepare your abstract:

1. Limit title to a maximum of 10 words. Capitalize the first letter of all principal words as well as the first letter of words of four or more letters. The title should be in bold font.
2. Capitalize all letters in the names of presenters. Use initials for first names and middle names. Omit degrees and academic titles. Place an asterisk after the name of the primary presenter.
3. Place name(s) of institution(s) within parentheses.
4. Do not use all capital letters in the body of the abstract.
5. The body of the abstract limit is 300 words (this does not include the title and author/institution information).
6. The abstract must contain a brief statement of the objectives of the investigation, experimental methods used, and essential results. Results should include data. Results should also include statistics, if applicable.
7. Illustrations are not permitted n the abstract.
8. Results and conclusion must be stated in the abstract. It is not acceptable to report that results "will be presented at the meeting."
9. Abstracts reporting studies with unidentified drugs or materials will not be accepted. All drugs and materials must be identified both in the abstract and during the presentation.
10. Underline the conclusion.
11. Include name of supporting agency and grant number, if applicable.
12. Proofread carefully.

Research Day participants who choose to compete for awards are automatically matched to the awards that are available for each presenter category. Participants will present their research and answer questions from the judges assigned to each award category. Refer to the oral presentation guidelines for more information. 

  • Presentations should be a maximum of five minutes.
  • We recommend you use a minimum of four but no more than six PowerPoint slides.
  • Bear in mind that the judges and the audience on Research Day may not be experts in your area of research.
  • Describe the aim of your research and explain why it is important to answer your research question.
  • Briefly describe the materials and methods you used to conduct your research.
  • Allocate most of the presentation time to the results of your project. State the results simply and clearly so that significant facts can be readily identified.
  • Conclude the presentation with a brief summary of the essential findings you believe were demonstrated by the experimental data and their clinical relevance.
  • Acknowledge your co-authors, sponsors, and anyone who made significant contributions to your research.

The Research Day PowerPoint poster template and instructions about submitting posters will be emailed to each presenter after their abstract submission is received.

Vendor exhibitors

 Thank you to our vendor exhibitors for supporting Research Day 2024!

Delta Dental Foundation
Brasseler USA
Dentsply Sirona
Indiana Dental Association
Procter & Gamble, Crest + Oral-B
Shofu Dental Corporation
The Indiana Dental Hygienists’ Association
Ultradent Products Inc.
Air Techniques, Inc.
Henry Schein
Odeme Dental Research
Patterson Dental
ThermoFisher Scientific


Award categories



IU School of Dentistry Alumni Association Distinguished Faculty Award for Research


The Stookey Trailblazer Faculty Researcher Award


IUSD Research Staff Award


Dean’s Award for Research Excellence

Predoctoral dental students

Cyril S. Carr Research Scholarship

Predoctoral dental students

Research Honors Program Certificate of Achievement

Predoctoral dental students

Outstanding Participation in Research Certificate

Predoctoral dental students

IU Indianapolis Dental Hygiene Research Day Award

IU Indianapolis Dental Hygiene students

IU Fort Wayne Oral Health Research Award

IU Fort Wayne Dental Hygiene students

Undergraduate Student Research Award

Undergraduate students

AADOCR Student Research Day Award

Predoctoral dental students

Dentsply Sirona/AADOCR SCADA Award

Predoctoral dental students

IDA Student Research Award

Predoctoral dental students

King Saud University Predoctoral Student Travel Award 

Predoctoral dental students

Predoctoral Clinical Case Report Award

Predoctoral dental students

King Saud University Travel Award for Graduate Research

Graduate dental students

Delta Dental Award for Innovation in Oral Care Research

Graduate dental students

King Saud University Travel Award for Best Clinical Case Report

Graduate dental students

King Saud University Ph.D. Student Travel Award

Graduate dental students

Maynard K. Hine Award for Excellence in Dental Research

Graduate dental students

Postdoctoral Fellow Award

Postdoctoral fellows

The Stookey Trailblazer Student Researcher Award

IUSD students

The Stookey Preventive Dentistry Research Award

IUSD students

Congratulations to our student researchers and their faculty mentors who exhibited their discoveries at the 32nd annual Research Day event.

Learn about the 2024 Research Day award recipients

Research Day proceedings monograph

Interested in reading about our past Research Day events? The IUSD Research Day proceedings are available from 2010 to the present.

View past Research Day event proceedings

Learn more about research in the School of Dentistry