Directions & Parking

Driving directions

  • Take I-65 S toward Indianapolis.
  • Exit I-65 S at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street/N. West Street exit (114).
  • Take N. West Street south for approximately a mile, then turn right on W. Michigan Street.
  • Take W. Michigan Street west for approximately half a mile, then turn left on Barnhill Drive.
  • Turn left onto Vermont Street to the Vermont Street Garage.

  • Take U.S. 31 S (N. Meridian Street) toward Indianapolis until you reach W. Michigan Street.
  • Turn right on W. Michigan Street and take it west for approximately one mile, then turn left on Barnhill Drive.
  • Turn left onto Vermont Street to the Vermont Street Garage.

  • Take I-465 S to I-70 W, then follow I-70 W until you reach the I-65 N ramp.
  • Take I-65 N to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street/N. West Street exit (114).
  • Take N. West Street south for approximately one mile, then turn right on W. Michigan Street.
  • Take W. Michigan Street west for approximately half a mile, then turn left on Barnhill Drive.
  • Turn left onto Vermont Street to the Vermont Street Garage.

  • Take I-65 N toward Indianapolis until you reach the I-70 W ramp.
  • Take I-70 W to the S. West Street/S. Missouri Street exit (79A).
  • Exit I-70 W and take S. Missouri Street north for approximately two miles, then turn left on W. Michigan Street.
  • Take W. Michigan Street west for approximately half a mile, then turn left on Barnhill Drive.
  • Turn left onto Vermont Street to the Vermont Street Garage.

  • Take I-70 E toward Indianapolis.
  • Exit I-70 E at the S. West Street/S. Missouri Street exit (79A).
  • Take S. Missouri Street north for approximately two miles, then turn left on W. Michigan Street.
  • Take W. Michigan Street west for approximately half a mile, then turn left on Barnhill Drive.
  • Turn left onto Vermont Street to the Vermont Street Garage.

Parking at the School of Dentistry

Visitors and patients for the School of Dentistry may park for free in the Vermont Street Garage (1004 W Vermont St, Indianapolis, IN 46202) immediately to the east of the School of Dentistry. Bring your garage ticket with you to your appointment so it can be validated.  ADA Parking is available in surface spots directly to the south of the School of Dentistry.  


Free patient parking in Vermont Street Garage

  1. Take a ticket to enter the garage

  2. Bring your gate ticket with you to your appointment for validation

  3. Elevator (if needed) is in the northwest corner of the garage

Free patient parking in ADA marked spaces in surface lots

  1. Place your “DS” marked patient decal in your driver’s side front window — If you do not yet have a DS decal you can get one from the Dental School main desk

  2. Park in ADA compliant spaces marked on map above