Global Engagement

Global Partnerships

Forge global alliances, break cultural barriers, and embrace diversity with our strategic partnerships. Our office acts as a central point of contact for potential international partners and faculty interested in establishing connections.

Want to partner with us? Here’s how.

Global Services

Our office offers a range of services to support international visitors and faculty.
This includes providing visa and immigration compliance support for international visitors and students, as well as assisting with the hiring of international faculty.

Want to host a scholar? Here's how.

Global Education

Embark on transformative journeys through our dynamic global education programs.

Learn more about our programs

Global Development and Scholarship

Fuel your passion for global health research and sustainable community development.

Our primary investigators

Fostering a Global Community

Celebrate diversity, share insights, and foster unity through our inclusive global community initiatives.

Community outreach programs

Global Gateway Network and our International Alumni

Our engagement doesn't end at graduation; we're dedicated to lifelong relationships with our international alumni, leveraging their expertise and networks to propel our global influence. Our Global Gateway Network connect us to drive our global agenda forward.

More information

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