In fall 2023, the Indiana University School of Dentistry welcomed the class of 2027 into its D.D.S. program.
About the class of 2027
By the numbers
- 160 Indiana residents
- 755 nonresidents
- 390 male
- 522 female
- 80 Indiana residents
- 26 nonresidents
- 43 male
- 63 female
22.38Average age
134.87Average credit hours at time of enrollment
Home states
- Indiana (80)
- Florida (3)
- International (3)
- Maryland (3)
- Illinois (2)
- Michigan (2)
- Texas (2)
- North Carolina (2)
- Ohio (2)
- Mississippi (1)
- New Jersey (1)
- New York (1)
- Pennsylvania (1)
- Utah (1)
- Virginia (1)
- Wisconsin (1)
Colleges and universities attended (Indiana only)
- IU Bloomington (24)
- Purdue University (13)
- IUPUI (10)
- Butler University (2)
- IU Kokomo (2)
- University of Saint Francis (2)
- University of Southern Indiana (2)
- Taylor University (2)
- Ball State University (1)
- Indiana State University (1)
- IU Southeast (1)
- Manchester University (1)
- University of Indianapolis (1)
- University of Notre Dame (1)
- Valparaiso University (1)
Predental educational experience
- 106 students hold bachelor’s degrees
- 16 students hold master's degrees
Average GPA (on a 4.00 scale)
- Overall GPA: 3.60
- Science GPA: 3.52
Dental Admission Test scores
- Academic average: 20.17
- Perceptual average: 19.49
- Total science average: 22.40